Aphrodite, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Priestess in a Pandemic – Part One

Earlier in January was the anniversary of my oath to Aphrodite as Her priestess. After my first year of priestesshood, I wrote a perspective piece on lessons I learned in my first year of service. I was going to write one last year as well, but time got away from me, and nothing felt particularly celebratory at the beginning of 2021. Now with two years of being a priestess in a pandemic, I finally feel like I can write something.

Aphrodite, Paganism, Prayers to Aphrodite

Prayers to Aphrodite: For Navigating the Unknown in the New Year

Blessed Aphrodite Fair Lady of Cyprus Goddess of the World I give my thanks to you For guiding me this past year 2021 was not the year Any of us hoped for The pandemic rages on And it is clear There will not be A definitive end No day of declared victory No sigh of… Continue reading Prayers to Aphrodite: For Navigating the Unknown in the New Year

Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Sometimes the Yogurt Wins

As you can probably judge from my vastly decreased posting frequency, life has been a lot for the past few months. Riding the waves of the pandemic has left me exhausted, with very little bandwidth for things that aren’t absolutely essential in maintaining my physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. Here is a tale involving me, some yogurt, my cat, and some very broken laws of physics.

Aphrodite, Paganism, Ritual

Unexpectedly Aphrodite

I like to think I’ve gotten used to Aphrodite showing up in unexpected ways. I’ve written multiple posts on this blog about how my experience of Her doesn’t usually match the lore, and doesn’t jive with the frilly, superficial way She is often portrayed in modern Paganism. I no longer assume that She will fit into any mold that we humans prescribe for Her. And yet, there are still times when She surprises me.

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Paganism

Connecting with Aphrodite – Creating Space for the Goddess

To form a meaningful relationship with Aphrodite (or any Deity), you need to give Her both the space and the opportunity to show up. By creating space for Her - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - you are essentially putting out a metaphorical “Open for Business” sign. You demonstrate to Her that She is important to you, and that you have the willingness and dedication to pursue a deeper relationship with Her.

Aphrodite, Paganism, Ritual

Self-Compassion Ritual – Pandemic Edition

Our modern society doesn’t teach us self-compassion. Quite the opposite. It teaches us self-criticism, shame, guilt, and blame. It tells us that we have to follow the rules, meet its unrealistic expectations, and practically achieve perfection before we are worthy of loving ourselves. This, quite frankly, is an utter load of crap.

Aphrodite, Paganism, Prayers to Aphrodite

Prayers to Aphrodite: In Gratitude

O Radiant Aphrodite Far-Shining, Glorious Goddess I sing your praises With Love I come to you With arms held high In reverence And in honor You inspire the flowers to bloom And the fruit trees to blossom You give light to the chilly spring mornings And the hot summer nights You are found in the… Continue reading Prayers to Aphrodite: In Gratitude