Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Paganism

Connecting with Aphrodite – Creating Space for the Goddess

To form a meaningful relationship with Aphrodite (or any Deity), you need to give Her both the space and the opportunity to show up. By creating space for Her - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - you are essentially putting out a metaphorical “Open for Business” sign. You demonstrate to Her that She is important to you, and that you have the willingness and dedication to pursue a deeper relationship with Her.

Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

An Altar for Aphrodite: Other Adornments and Special Considerations

As we wrap up this series on An Altar for Aphrodite, there are a few more things for us to keep in mind. The possibilities of potential altar trinkets are endless, and there are a few commonly used items that were not mentioned in the previous posts. I also want to discuss some important considerations for setting up your altar.

Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

An Altar for Aphrodite: Intention and Honoring the Goddess

Whether you are just starting out with constructing your first altar or shrine to Aphrodite, or if you’re a seasoned practitioner looking for some new inspiration, here are some of my essential considerations for constructing an altar.

Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

A Ritual for Radical Acceptance, Fierce Love, and Divine Surrender

I led this ritual for my Pagan group on the June 2020 Full Moon last Friday. Current events have brought institutionalized racism to the front and center in the United States, while the COVID-19 pandemic still wreaks havoc on our ill-prepared country. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd are but some of the most recent in a long history of injustice toward black Americans. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism, Ritual, Spiritual Growth

Modern Pagan Worship of Aphrodite – Where and How

Where and How we worship as modern Pagans is as unique as each individual, yet these questions share common elements no matter your practice or tradition. This is Where and How I worship Aphrodite.