Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism, Prayers to Aphrodite, Ritual

Chant for Aphrodite

It’s been a while! This has been a busy summer and I haven’t had much energy to write or create. I’m going through a funk with my day job that has been leaving me pretty drained.

Someone recently asked me what would be a good chant for Aphrodite, and the following came in a flood of inspiration! I also recorded a video with the lyrics so that you could hear exactly how it came to me, but feel free to use your own chanting method. Please note that I use the Greek pronunciation of Her name.

This chant can be used in meditation, trance, ritual, prayer, or as an invocation.

Aphrodite Goddess of love
Aphrodite of stars above

Aphrodite the heart of all
Aphrodite answer my call 

Aphrodite of rose and thorn
Aphrodite Goddess foam born 

Aphrodite far-shining light
Aphrodite reveal your might

Aphrodite of joy and mirth
Aphrodite flower of earth

Aphrodite jewel of the sea
Aphrodite please come to me

Brightest blessings to you on your journey!

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