Aphrodite, Paganism, Ritual

Unexpectedly Aphrodite

I like to think I’ve gotten used to Aphrodite showing up in unexpected ways. I’ve written multiple posts on this blog about how my experience of Her doesn’t usually match the lore, and doesn’t jive with the frilly, superficial way She is often portrayed in modern Paganism. I no longer assume that She will fit into any mold that we humans prescribe for Her. And yet, there are still times when She surprises me.

Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

Devotions to Aphrodite: Conscious Eating

Aphrodite is not only a Goddess of Love, She is also a Goddess of Pleasure. Pleasure comes in many forms, but one everyday experience of pleasure is consuming food. Like many of our most intense pleasures, food is very primal. We need it to survive, but we are also capable of drawing immense enjoyment from it. Finding joy in cooking a meal, savoring it, and sharing it with others is one of the ways I connect with Aphrodite.

Empath, Magick, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

The Extroverted Empath – A Rare Species

I am an extroverted empath. I know to some that may sound like an oxymoron, but I promise it is not. Being an extroverted empath presents some unique challenges - Challenges that most of the resources for empaths don’t address. Here are some tips I’ve picked up in my time as an extroverted empath.

Empath, Paganism

An Empath All Along?

The short answer is: I’ve been an empath all along. The slightly longer answer is: I’m a very weird kind of empath, so the traditional methods used to measure empathic abilities and traits don’t fit me well. The even longer answer is: the rest of this blog post.

Magick, Paganism

7 Ways to Bring the Magickal into the Mundane

Creating a synergy between the magickal and the mundane promotes energetic flow in your life, helps you to deepen your spiritual practice, develops your intuition and spiritual skillset, and brings you closer to Divinity. Here are some simple yet powerful ways to infuse your normal “everyday” life with magick and the Divine.

Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

Devotions to Aphrodite: Pole Dancing

Spinning around the pole, moving my hips, and landing a trick all felt like a corporeal prayer, a body-song of worship. There was energy raised and lowered on the pole. I learned new things about my body and my being. I knew the closer I was to being the full expression of myself, the closer I would be to Aphrodite.

Empath, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Are You Projective or Receptive?

I believe that everyone has projective and receptive abilities. For some, one will be much stronger than the other, and that’s okay. It just means you will have to work a little harder to develop the other skill. I also don’t believe that being projective and being receptive are mutually exclusive.

Magick, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Flames of the Firebird

The winter that I started working with Cerridwyn, I also started to work with the energy of the Phoenix, the Firebird. I had some pretty extraordinary things happen once I started working with the Firebird, and they are some of the stories of how I know my Paganism is real.

Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

Devotions to Aphrodite: Ecstatic Dance

Dance is a regular part of my spiritual practice. I mostly dance to commune with Aphrodite, connecting to the joy and love of movement. I will dance to raise energy. I will even dance to ground myself, which I know sounds counter-intuitive. If I feel angry or off-balance, dancing will help bring me back to center.