Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Beltane Ritual 2024 – You Deserve Joy!

I led the following Beltane ritual on calling more joy into your life for my Pagan group last Sunday. Today (May 1st) is traditional Beltane. Astronomical Beltane (the official calendar midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice) falls on May 4th this year. To me, Beltane is a season - I celebrate for about a fortnight centered around the beginning of May.

Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Gratitude

Gratitude is an essential part of any spiritual practice, whether it is in the context of a ritual or not. It is a part of a reciprocal relationship with the Divine - an energetic exchange with the universe that can cultivate deeper connection.

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Purpose

We’ve now arrived at the heart of the ritual: your Purpose. This is the Why - the driving force behind your ritual. There are a few major categories of ritual purposes (which can absolutely overlap): Holy/Sacred Days; Honoring the Divine, including deities, spirits, elements, and other energies; Working Magick; Performing Divination; Receiving Messages from the Divine; and Communing with the Divine. Read on to find out more!

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Invocation

An invocation is a call to a specific Deity/Energy/Spirit in ritual. This can be to ask for guidance, for a prayer or blessing, to assist in a magickal working, to honor them and perform offerings, or for channeling. An invocation is performed with respect and reference, and is always a request and never a demand.

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Creating Sacred Space

I like to begin each of my rituals by creating sacred space. What exactly makes a space sacred? It can be many things, but the primary attribute of a sacred space is that it brings us closer to the Divine. Some spaces may have an environmental sacred element to them, like beautiful places in nature. Some sacred spaces have been established and maintained by people, such as ancient temples or even the altar area in your home. And other sacred spaces we create specifically for the purpose of ritual.

Magick, Paganism

The Tale of Cerridwyn

As the wheel turns toward Samhain, we begin to embrace the dark. It is a time of rest and introspection. A time of releasing and letting go. A time of death and rebirth. This is the time of year when the Goddess Cerridwyn most calls to me. This is my retelling of the Tale of Cerridwyn.

Affirmations, Magick, Paganism

Affirmations: Remember to Breathe

Breath is a magickal thing. It keeps us alive. It is a largely unconscious activity that we can make conscious when we concentrate on it. It’s a part of our mind-body connection, and it helps regulate our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It can help us achieve different states of mind - including calming us down when we are panicked, upset, or anxious.