Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Gratitude

Gratitude is an essential part of any spiritual practice, whether it is in the context of a ritual or not. It is a part of a reciprocal relationship with the Divine - an energetic exchange with the universe that can cultivate deeper connection.

Aphrodite, Paganism, Prayers to Aphrodite

Prayers to Aphrodite: For Courage

I encourage you to make this prayer your own. Ask for what you specifically need. Take out any parts that don't resonate with you. Make it come from your heart. You may also wish to make an offering to Aphrodite (a physical offering or an offering of action) or set up an altar to Her, though these things are not necessary. The only necessary part is that you say your prayer with love.

Magick, Paganism

Soup for Cerridwyn – Sweet Potato and Barley

Every time I make soup for Cerridwyn, the recipe is different. I used to have a recipe that I riffed off of, swapping out ingredients and adding or subtracting things. This most recent time, I had to completely abandon all hopes of using a recipe.

Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

Devotions to Aphrodite: Ecstatic Dance

Dance is a regular part of my spiritual practice. I mostly dance to commune with Aphrodite, connecting to the joy and love of movement. I will dance to raise energy. I will even dance to ground myself, which I know sounds counter-intuitive. If I feel angry or off-balance, dancing will help bring me back to center.

Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

My Experience of Aphrodite

Spiritual experiences are, by nature, very difficult to put into words. You’ve just experienced something transcendent - It’s no surprise that it also transcends language. Given that, I’m going to do my best to describe to you how I experience the Goddess Aphrodite.

Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Devotions to Aphrodite, Paganism

Connecting with Aphrodite – First Steps

There are so many joyful and wonderful ways to connect with the Radiant Goddess of Love! I’m going to share a few that helped me to connect with Her in the beginnings of my journey. Many of these are material in nature - physical things that helped me to get into the right headspace to work with Her. Others are more reading and research based. These are not in a particular order - try out different ones and see which works best for you!

Aphrodite, Paganism

Going Deeper – Connecting with Divinity

You’ve done some great personal introspection, feel pretty confident about your spiritual skills, and you’ve taken a look at the personal considerations in the previous blog post (Going Deeper - Are You Ready to Dive In?). You’ve done your research, and are pretty sure of the deity (or deities) you want to work with. You know about their lore, their traditions, and their holidays. Maybe you’ve even already started to reach out to them. These are all wonderful things! Here are some next steps on how to pursue a deeper relationship with a deity.