Aphrodite, Connecting with Aphrodite, Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Connecting with Aphrodite: A Ritual Template – Preparations

Preparation is the first element in my ritual template. This can include cleansing and purification, getting together your tools and altar, engaging your senses, and creating a ritual outline.

Magick, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Keeping Quarantine Pagan

So, the world is a bonkers place right now. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. In times of great uncertainty, we can reach to our spiritual practice for comfort and stability. With that in mind, here are my recommendations for keeping quarantine Pagan...

Empath, Magick, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

Why Do We Ground, Cleanse, and Shield?

If you’ve been wandering down the Pagan path for very long, you’ve likely heard the terms “grounding,” “cleansing,” and “shielding” on more than one occasion. These practices are recognized as important across many traditions, but frequently the explanation as to exactly why they are important gets lost. Grounding, cleansing, and shielding are found in many beginning books on Paganism and magick, but it wasn’t until I really started doing ritual and magick regularly that I understood their importance.

Empath, Magick, Paganism, Spiritual Growth

The Extroverted Empath – A Rare Species

I am an extroverted empath. I know to some that may sound like an oxymoron, but I promise it is not. Being an extroverted empath presents some unique challenges - Challenges that most of the resources for empaths don’t address. Here are some tips I’ve picked up in my time as an extroverted empath.

Magick, Paganism, Ritual

Elemental Cleansing and Purification Ritual for Self, Spaces, and Tools

Sometimes all you need before going into Circle is a quick swipe with a selenite wand, and you’re good to go. Other times, a more thorough cleansing is in order. Whenever I need some heavy-duty cleansing, I like to call on the four elements (and Deity) to perform a comprehensive purification.

Magick, Paganism

7 Ways to Bring the Magickal into the Mundane

Creating a synergy between the magickal and the mundane promotes energetic flow in your life, helps you to deepen your spiritual practice, develops your intuition and spiritual skillset, and brings you closer to Divinity. Here are some simple yet powerful ways to infuse your normal “everyday” life with magick and the Divine.

Aphrodite, Empath, Paganism

Adventures of a Struggling New Empath

When I underwent my initiation for Aphrodite, I knew that some things in my life would change (perhaps quite drastically), while others would remain more-or-less the same. One change I was not expecting, though, was to start having empathic experiences. Read about my journey, and some tips on cleansing and shielding that I picked up during my struggles as a new empath!